What would you like to know?

As the rain falls down from the gray sky, I feel comforted knowing that this is home to me. Gray sky, rain, not seeing the sun for what feels like months, but might only be an hour. The rain drips from roof to window sill down to the cement below with a repetitive drumming sound. It’s soothing and slow.

I wrap myself in my favourite turquoise zippy and curl up with my laptop, ready to blog and write my thoughts away. But then, in the midst of the light dripping of rain, I stop. My thoughts are my thoughts, they are personal and a little selfish. I don’t want to be selfish, but someone who gives, encourages, and inspires. I know I say this a lot but it’s really true! I want to give to you, my beautiful readers!

So, instead of writing whatever I want to write about, please tell me…what do you come here for? What do you want to know about … me, Adley Studio, about where I find inspiration … tell me. I want to know. Perhaps, if all you come here for is photos, tell me that too. I won’t stop writing though…you’ll just have to put up with the writing in between the photos. 🙂

Let me know in the comment section, or send me an email! I can’t wait to hear from you! 🙂

And another sneak peek at an upcoming session!

  • Tanja AJune 25, 2011 - 6:38 PM

    Ah, creative processes are always interesting…
    How do you overcome your fears, how did you get where you are now, where do you see yourself in the future and how are you going do that?
    How did it feel to let go of your previous life and start a new one? Did it reflect in your work? Do you feel different as a person and a photographer writing on a new page?
    Can you switch off the “what if…” wich seems to occure in so many situations…
    Did you ever made a terrible series of pictures and how did you manage to get over that?

    (I can go on like this 😉

    I think most people are very interested in who you are, what you do an most of all: how you feel and think for real.ReplyCancel

  • AmandaJune 27, 2011 - 10:53 PM

    I echo all of Tanja’s comments above!

    I want to get to know who you are and what your thoughts are! What has made you fall in the past and how have you’ve picked yourself up again? What has been your greatest professional accomplishment to date, and what professional moment do you look back on now and cringe – what have you learned from that experience?

    Oh, and of course, PICTURES, PICTURES, PICTURES!ReplyCancel