You were created for greatness so live it


Last night while I pulled my duvet up around my chin to protect me from the cold, I couldn’t help but feel a little depressed. Why is that no matter how much I move forward, I still feel like I haven’t moved an inch? That all the goals I have accomplished suddenly have me saying “well, those were a fluke” and I don’t actually take ownership of how hard I worked to achieve them. I just continue to look forward at my new goals, afraid I’ll fail and never achieve anything. I know I’m not the only one who goes through these moments. So instead of pulling the duvet up over my head in defeat, I rolled over with a smile!

A smile cause I know that you and I were created for greatness, for something even larger than we imagined and we’re all in this working together. Why else would we be running after something we cannot stop thinking, dreaming, tasting, talking and being so terrified about?! Each separately, with our gifts, walking our own path connecting with others along the way to help each other. People won’t be able but to stop and take notice, wanting to share with us.

French Boudoir, Boudoir in France, Boudoir Party in France, Boudoir Party in Paris, How to plan a Boudoir Party The more time I spend with others, my gift comes out, it shines and radiates from me. I will be sitting with my legs curled underneath me talking with someone about their passions and suddenly I have goosebumps and I’m shaking from excitement. My gift (if you’re wondering): I am a dreamer, motivator, and supporter through words and wisdom. I love to impart knowledge that just flows from me. Mix this gift in with my passion for helping women love and accept themselves in my boudoir sessions and I feel like I am on fire. It’s taken me a long time to realize this, but I’m learning to accept it and bless others with it! So, if you want to see me on fire, let’s meet and we’ll talk about your passions and where you want to go. We’ll both leave invigorated!!

Being an artist and a dreamer it seems like my course is always changing but I feel like my path is becoming more in tune with who I am and what I was created to be. I was created for greatness, to encourage, support, and dream along side others and love them. And that is where I plan on going, through my boudoir images, words I speak and write, and in my meetings where I encourage and motivate others to create a life they’re excited to lead!

Oh, and just so you know….YOU were created for greatness as well, where are you going and how can I help you get there?!

French Boudoir, Boudoir in France, Boudoir Party in France, Boudoir Party in Paris, How to plan a Boudoir Party

1 comment
  • ErinOctober 25, 2011 - 6:02 PM

    You inspire me everyday!! XOXOXReplyCancel