Category Archives: Lifestyle Design

An afternoon flower bath

I adore having fresh flowers around my house, there is something about it that livens up my space of white and grey. Since being on my spending detox fresh flowers was one of the things that I had to let go of. I did it willingly but it wasn’t easy. However, that doesn’t mean that…

Child-like mindset

I’ve been having some difficulty in sitting down and writing anything of value lately. Despite my ritual of setting myself up with my tea, starting my writing playlist, and open my document to where I left off – I get nothing. This is probably the first time I’ve truly dealt with what is commonly known…

  • ArshiaApril 28, 2017 - 10:47 AM

    That poem is so lovely, I found myself reading and repeating it a couple of times… You are so talented!ReplyCancel

    • LesleyApril 28, 2017 - 2:24 PM

      Wow, thanks Arshia! It’s the first poem I’ve written in years. You sure know how to make me feel good. 🙂ReplyCancel

The crossroad of Should and Must

A few years ago I can across the book The Crossroads of Should and Must: Find and Follow Your Passion by Elle Luna. Since I’ve been reading self development books for quite some time it didn’t speak to me the way I’m sure the Elle had intended. Instead it has stuck with me in more…