Category Archives: Writing

When your wings are no longer clipped and you can soar

My heart thumped in my ears and my feet dragged on the scratchy institutional carpet as I made my way to the oak desk where my grade twelve English Advance Placement teacher’s eyes bore down on me. I felt sweat forming between my shoulder blades when my downcast eyes took in the red marks across…

Stop with the screen guilt

I’ve recently started watching Gilmore Girls for the first time (I know, I’m behind) and I’ve become completely fascinated with how Rory has if not one but numerous books with her so that she can read whenever there is a lull in her day. Sitting at the bus stop, in the hall at school, outside waiting for…

Writing in real time

  I thought it might be interesting to let you in behind the scenes of what my world looks like when I’m writing. I unexpectedly had an hour of quiet while the children were napping while at the in-laws so I ran up the stairs powered up google drive and opened a new document. I…

5 Things I’m afraid to tell you

It is well known, if you’ve been following this space for awhile now, that I go through phases of blogging. Either I’m “all in” or I’m “all out”. But the funny this is, that when I’m all out I can’t stop thinking about it or dreaming up new posts, or wishing I had the determination…